The Military Consulting Agency (MCA) was a newly founded Korean organisation that focuses on supporting members of the Korean society in relation to the military. Their goal is to provide council for youths about any of their questions regarding their service time, therapeutical sessions for former soldiers suffering PTSD or family members that might have lost someone in the war. As well as provide training for anyone who wishes to help the aforementioned people.
Having previously helped bring their brand to life, it was now time to create a portal for their users to learn more. In a team of two I helped create a website, working closely with the main designer to ensure full scalability and an easy to understand UX for their target group.

Using the brand we had created for them we aimed to bring a simple, clean and easy to navigate website to their users.
As the primary target group were youths who had not yet enrolled into the army (18-25) it gave us a freedom to expand the design beyond a standard Korean website. Bringing a clear structure and having a simplistic approach would also lend itself to making it easier for it to scale across multiple devices.
As Koreans are heavy mobile users, ensuring that it worked flawlessly on mobile was of utmost importance.
We opted to use simple line drawing illustrations across the website in order to add a quick flair of playfulness to the website.

Korean websites in general are fairly information dense, and this one is no different. One big challenge was to find ways to present curriculums in a readable format and translate these across screens.
As Internet Explorer is still the norm in Korea, having it perform well all the way back to IE9 was a minimum requirement.
Our client wanted a CMS system that was easy for them to take care of and post what they want, so the website was built on top of WordPress.