
DailyUI 038 – Calendar


Calendars have a tendency to be boring to look at. One thing the Google Calendar does well is having beautiful illustrations, however, they’re quite hidden unless you have a tablet in landscape mode. Personally I would have them visible at all times. So I took it to myself to visualise what that might look like.

I started this off by making an illustration that would feel like March. Again, this one became a bit too inspired, looking almost the same as the one in the Google Calendar. And even more so before I changed the colour palette, when I was using shades of green. But as I was piecing it together I felt like it was too vanilla, so I went to Pinterest and looked around for colour palettes in relation to the month of March. I found this nice picture of a pink sky with a blue tree, which became the inspiration for this colour scheme. I think it stands out and has a nice contrast to it.

The actual calendar part came quick. I focused on just the month and set out a few events here and there. At first I was using the font Alegreya Sans for the entire thing, but I felt that the way the numbers looked in it didn’t look fitting for something like this so I changed to Lato. This in turn ruined the spacing I had done, and shamefully I didn’t bother to fix it. Though in my defence, at this point I’d been working for almost 90 minutes.

Something I also always want is to see both month and the entries of the day at the same time. So I added an events view showing today’s (or selected date) activities as well as a button to quickly add new events.

Overall I’m quite pleased with this result. The only thing I’m kicking myself for after the fact is that I didn’t fix the spacing on the calendar after I changed the font. But time constraints are time constraints and deadlines need to be held. Even if the fix is a quick one…