DailyUI 041 – Workout Tracker
I workout quite a bit. Not only to get in shape, but to keep myself physically active and clear myself mentally. Over the years I’ve used a fair few different types of workout tracking apps to keep track of my progress and my schedules. Currently I’m using an amazing one called Progression on Android which is both functional and has a great design. So a lot of the inspiration comes from there.
I wanted this one to be very simple. Give you the important info first and foremost without all the fluff around it. Up top I put a title. Beneath and elapsed time counter. Since I’m usually on a tight schedule, I like to keep track of how long I’ve been working out.
Under that are the actual exercises. Titles with coloured dots to the left of them, with the colours representing what part of the body that specific exercise is mostly targeting. This is heavily influenced by Progression. Under the names I put quick info on how many sets and reps you’ve done on that specific exercise. On the right there are checkmarks to show which ones you’ve done. Firstly, I could’ve played more with the margins here. Second, I notice the p on reps under bench press got cut off slightly. Damnit.
I made one expanded to show how it could look while doing an exercise and editing it. The inactive ones are greyed out, while the one you’re at or editing have grey boxes behind them. I totally should have put a finished button here.
At the bottom I put a plus FAB in case you want to add even more exercises. You never know when you got that extra energy or craving to do more!