
DailyUI 029 – Map


At first I had a bit of an issue separating this from the previous location related challenge, but since it’s a different task I figured I’d make this one more informative. Also since I’ve been so focused on illustrations lately, I figured this one would be more about the UI itself.

It’s fairly standard. At the top is an entire section dedicated to a menu icon – which totally became too thick – and a search bar. Below is the map itself. The location marker is made from scratch and I added a slight gradient because I felt it wasn’t separated enough from the background. However, looking at it now I just think it looks bad and I should have found another way to separate it. Maybe a stroke or a thicker shadow. Under the marker is a selection marker. I made it like this as a stylistic choice, but it was also to try and conceal the text beneath it.

Under the map is the information field. Name of location and country, and three data points that felt the most relevant to users. Further below that is just a picture gallery for fun. I also have a FAB for starring the location for quick access at a later time.

Simple thing yet again.