
DailyUI 028 – Contact Us


Another mail related design and even more illustrations! Yay!

Here I wanted to make an old fashioned mailbox with a letter going into it to depict a message being sent somewhere. A mistake I did was to make it facing right at first before I added any text. When I put in the text I realised it looked wrong with the text on the right side with a right alignment, so I merely mirrored it. It made some parts look a bit off I think. I also regret adding the question mark to the red seal on the letter. It would look much better without it.

The input fields are simple. But in hindsight I really should have added markers for each one to further indicate that you can input something there. As it is now it feels like it’s pre-entered. The message part is more like a separate text field. Then we have the return of the FAB for a send action!

Pretty simple design overall, thus not a lot to say.