
DailyUI 017 – Email Receipt


I’ve always had problems with these commerce related UI challenges. Mostly because I get sort of stumped of what kind of product I want to promote on them. As a person I’m prone to being disappointed with monotony and sameness so repeating the same product category over and over again is less than ideal for me. However, as a human it is easy to fall back into our comfort zones, going with what we know best. So here’s another camera related commerce item.

This time it was supposed to be the receipt you receive in your e-mail. In hindsight I figured maybe I could’ve built up a story. The checkout, the product page, the purchase, in order of daily challenge. But alas, here’s an indecisive person that is looking at all their options.

From the start I was quite low on motivation for this one, as I tried several different ideas before finally settling on this soon-to-be released lens from Sigma. My general energy was low as well, so I settled for something simple.

In my head I went through the most important bits of what a receipt needs, while looking at e-mail receipts I had received myself. I concluded it to be: product image, order #, product name, your address and how you paid for it. Another nice-to-have feature is a direct link to tracking your order, thus I added the button at the bottom.

Most of the receipts I receive myself are fairly boring, only enhanced by the way Google’s Inbox parses them. And even then it’s quite dull. So I wanted colours in there, as always. This red is taken from Sigma’s brand colour. Striking, yet fairly easy on the eyes. Though maybe I should have consulted someone with colour blindness if the text is legible at all before deciding on it.

Icons here are the truck and credit card. To save myself some time I plucked the credit card icon from the 2nd UI challenge and merely changed the colour.

Fonts here are DIN Condensed Bold and Roboto Condensed.

Overall I’m not too excited about this one. Mostly because of that mentioned sameness – I feel like most of these designs are falling into the exact same style and look, not really differentiating themselves from each other. Whether this has to do with the fact that I do these right before I go to bed or a lack of imagination is difficult to know, but it is what it is and I’ll try to think outside of the box a bit more going further.