
DailyUI 011 – Flash Message (Success/Error)


Since I made the monkey for the 5th Daily UI, I’ve been thinking about how to reuse it. As soon as I saw today’s I knew immediately that this is the one.

So instead of having just normal, boring pop-ups, here we have a very happy monkey and a very sad monkey, telling you things went either right or wrong.

I’ve been working with this colour scheme for a while for a side project, and I came to really like them. As it’s a green/red combo it felt apt to use them in this context as well, together with the monkey.

These are quite simple, so not a lot of explanation is required. I didn’t want the colours to cover the entire pop-up, as it would feel too “in your face.” So I split it into two, a header with the main message, and a body with a quick explanation. Beneath the explanation is a huge FAB with a corresponding action. A checkmark for the success message, which acts as an OK button and a retry for the error.

I realise in hindsight that I maybe should have added a cancel type of action to the error message as well, as you might not always want to retry something that has failed, whatever it may be.